Have you ever stopped and taken notice that God, Who is all-powerful and Whose presence fills the universe, He who knows everything, and Whose existence has been here for eternity, only wrote one Book?
When we consider all the many volumes of literature in the world that we have available to read, and when you consider that many human authors write numerous volumes in their lifetimes, it is amazing to me that the oldest Personality, the Founder and Creator of human existence and everything within our perception, our God, only gave us one Book. God has disclosed to us all He wanted us to know concerning the most important subjects we can grasp in our short life span in this one book. There is simply no other book anywhere close to your King James Bible in importance. Now, I want to show you why this one volume is so important.
First of all, we see from the Bible that the continuation of human existence on planet Earth isdetermined by one’s adherence to the Bible. When societies throw off God’s Word and its mandates, and reject its Author and His influence from their lives, there are certainly grave consequences indeed.
Consider those cultures in history who disregarded the God of the Bible, and those who also rejected the Bible of God after it was written. We have examples of entire people groups who rejected the God, who gave us the Bible, from their conscience and conduct. They lived godless and lawless, and licentiously violated every mandate He commanded them. They refused to follow those preachers and teachers God had sent to communicate His message to them. Read Romans chapter 1.
We have the examples of societies such as the world prior to the Flood who were all but destroyed except Noah and his extended family. Read Genesis chapter 6. We have recorded the destruction of Babel, and the judgment and dispersion of the nations, and also, the total wiping out of Sodom andGomorrah by the fires of God’s wrath and displeasure toward the immoral, lawless, selfish, and sensuous people of yesteryear who refused to acknowledge the God of the Bible. We see Egypt was judged for her idolatry, and the Canaanite nations for their imagery. We learn of Babylon in its judgments, and how God brings the end of this nation who lived in vanity. Every nation succeeding Babylon who also lived in godlessness, materialism, and idolatries, were destroyed as a result of their attitudetoward God’s Word so published bypreachers and prophets.
The Bible is the only Book within all the archives of literature that the God of Heaven wrote, and that when applied, can preserve human societies from destruction and extinction. The Bible also gives the keys to our future existence in eternity in the afterlife, in a place marked by God’spersonal presence, called Heaven, or, for the Christ-rejecters a place absent of God’spresence, called Hell. If you do not acceptGod’s gift of His Son Jesus Christ, and ifyou do not receive the gift of life that He offers through Christ’s death, burial, andresurrection, you can forget about spending eternity in Heaven, and expect to be cast into the lake of fire forever with the devil, the fallen angels, and with all Christ- rejecting peoples and nations. See Revelation 21:8.
The Bible is the only Book that has God’sconditions of salvation and eternal life perfectly and accurately portrayed. It is the Book that has all of the promises of God and the most recorded miracles found anywhere which God recorded for us. It is the only Book that gives us the events of thebeginning of God’s Creation and thesummation of human history on planet earth. As already mentioned, it gives us the way ofredemption and Jesus’ salvation for all thatwill receive Him. You are safe and secure in this world when you know the God of the Bible, and when you apply the words of the Bible of God to your life.
There is no other Book like it. It is proven to societies that embrace it or reject its God and His contents. It is accurate in its exact portrayal of human history as proven by all known archeological findings of every century. In it is the model code of conduct for civilized, organized, happy, peace-loving society. Next to the family, the Bible contains the constitution of the greatest institution ever organized on the planet, called the local New Testament church. The whole example of the resurrected Christ, and His ministry is clearly, historically preserved in its entirety for us to witness by the testimony in the Bible.
The future doom of all Christ-rejecting people who live in their idolatries and atrocities is recorded there, as well as the reward and benefits for those who trust the Christ of its contents. It is one gigantic testimony that God possesses absolute, infallible authority to direct our steps and brighten our paths. See Psalm 119:105.
May I encourage you to get acquainted with what it has for you? Why not read it, and get to know the God who wrote it for you? He only has one Volume. Why not find out what it has to say?
I close with the words of this song:
The Bible stands like a rock undaunted‘mid the raging storms of time. Its pages burn with the truth eternal, and it glows with the Light sublime!
The Bible stands every test we give it, for its Author is divine; By grace alone, I expect to live it, And to prove it and make it mine!
The Bible stands though the hills may tumble; It will firmly stand when the earth shall crumble. I will plant my feet on its firm foundation, for the Bible stands!
Bro. Mark Bach
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