Kingdom work includes the following.
Reading ~ I Thessalonians Ch 1 & 2
Introduction ~ There is much involved in the work of God’s kingdom. Let’s look at things involved in this subject.
Chapter 1
Ch 1:1 The Approach includes Team work ~ This included Paul Silvanus and Timotheus
vs. 2 The Arsenal “Prayer” ~ Paul and his friends prayed together for them
vs. 3 Exercise “Work” ~ They learned to work for the King
vs. 5 Evidence “Assurance” ~ God Gave this church what assurances they needed to be convinced.
vs. 6 “Affliction” ~This goes with kingdom expansion
vs. 7,9 “Door” or “Entrance” Ch 2:1 ~ God opens the doors in relation to kingdom expansion
Chapter 2
vs. 4 Allowances “allowed” We see we are privileged to participate in the kingdom
vs. 8 Expressions “affectionately” We see Paul’s tender expression in relation to members of it.
vs.10 Ambassadors “unblameably ” We see right behavior for participants in it as representatives
vs.12 accountability “worthy” God holds all of us accountable as members of His kingdom
vs.13 prearrangements “received” God alone makes arrangements and appointments in it
vs.14 Old Kingdom “Jews” They had the keys before Peter took them and unlocked faith to gentiles
vs.18 Adversaries “Satan” If the devil hindered Paul don’t expect that he will not hinder you
vs.19 Opportunity “crown” This is the reward Paul looked for in his participation in kingdom expansion
Closing~ Let us all be found in this great task of expanding God’s kingdom while there is still time and opportunity. .
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