Title ~ How to have a Balanced Church
An expositional outline on the whole book of Ephesians
Introduction ~
The book of Ephesians is a great book in our Bible for seeing what exactly is the responsibility is for Christians. I believe the word that best describes what is needed today is balance. The following is an expository outline in this book of what I believe God wants to see practiced in His churches in order for it to function at it’s full potential on planet earth.
Let’s see some things a balanced church needs to be.
I. Be a church with a Vision for the future. see Ch. 1 vs. 9,10,18 Ch.2 17,19
One day we will all be assembled in the great heavenly host with Christ in place and the church in grace.
One day we will all be assembled in the great heavenly host with Christ in place and the church in grace.
II. Be a church with Direction Ch 3. 11 “eternal purpose”
III. Be a church with Devotion to both God and man in “love” Ch 3:17,19
IV. Be a church with Comprehension to employ the gifted see “vocation” Ch. 4:1,11
V. Be a church striving for spiritual Perfection or maturity. Ch 4:13,15 “grow up”
VI. Be a church with Separation from worldly patterns, dishonest living and self deception Ch. 4:17-25
VII. Be a church with that has encouraging Edification. Building up not tearing down “edifying” vs.29
“ fo rg iv in g” vs. 32
VIII. Be a church without immorality and Fornication Ch 5:7,11 “no fellowship”
VIII. Be a church without immorality and Fornication Ch 5:7,11 “no fellowship”
IX. Be a church with a Commission to exercise both discernment and Biblical judgment. vs. 10
“ pr ov in g” see Hebrews Ch 5:12-14
X. Be a church with submission and family devotion Ch 5:22-33 Ch 6:1
XI. Be a church with an exemplary Administration in the work place. Ch. 6:5-9 between bosses and workers
“ Se rv an ts ” and “Masters”
XII. Be a church with prayer and Supplication.
Ch.6:18 “Praying” “supplication “
Ch.6:18 “Praying” “supplication “
XIII. Be a church with Evangelism and Missions Ch. 6:19-22 “utterance” “sent”
Closing ~
If we have all of these things in balance we can say we are a balanced church. This is so rare to find in many places in the world today. I think the reason is we have lost our vision for the whole picture.
Our direction comes from our hearts instead of God’s heart. This is because of a lack of vision. Love is lacking as a chief motivator, the gifted are left unemployed, Instead of maturity there is carnality, Separation is seen as old fashioned and tolerance is the churches position. When we loose vision the services lack encouragement and edification. We do not judge fornication. There is little discernment and little evidence of biblical home submission. Bosses become unreasonable and workers discontent. Prayer is not practiced and evangelism is left undone.
Our direction comes from our hearts instead of God’s heart. This is because of a lack of vision. Love is lacking as a chief motivator, the gifted are left unemployed, Instead of maturity there is carnality, Separation is seen as old fashioned and tolerance is the churches position. When we loose vision the services lack encouragement and edification. We do not judge fornication. There is little discernment and little evidence of biblical home submission. Bosses become unreasonable and workers discontent. Prayer is not practiced and evangelism is left undone.
So we need to simply get back to our Bethel of falling in love with our Savior and do all we do with his vision as our mission.
Mark J. Bach
Missionary/Evangelist in remote regions.
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