Title – Amazing Mysteries
Reading – Psalm 88
Introduction: This Psalm has in it what I would call some Amazing mysteries. The following are some amazing mysteries that goes with this Psalm.
I. The first is how death solves our problem of death. Vs. 1-5
I am speaking here of Jesus’ death. vs 1-5
II. No real growth comes until we lay down our lives. vs 6
Also see Rom 12.
III.What it takes to get us to come to the end of ourselves. vs 7-9
cf. Corn seed must die to germinate.
IV.How anyone could question the illegitimacy of the Gospel? Vs. 10-12
See “wilt”? vs 10,11 and “Shall”? vs 12
V.How God can forget what we remember? vs 12
“Forgetfulness” Also see Psalm 103:12 Hebrews 8:12
VI. How man can not design his own plan of Salvation? Vs. 13
Cain tried and all false religions still do try.
VII.What it takes to get some people to accept the Lord and how some never do is a mystery to me.
see vs 14-16
Close ~ The Gospel is so powerful to save men so mean and give them a life that never ends and yet, they apathetically live as if God does not exist, amazing!
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