Title ~ How to do it.
Reading I Thes Ch 1-5
Introduction ~ The Gospel Means Work. Paul’s work included, 1. Education ~ I Thes 1:3 “Labour of love” 2. Communications ~ ” from you sounded” (vs.8) 3. Indoctrination ~ “turned to God from idols” vs.9 Basically, This is also our calling as believers and workers in the kingdom. Yet in this day of falling away how can we as Christians be found faithful to our loving Lord? We can do it like others have done it. Let’s look at Pau’s example.
The question is how did Paul do it? How did he put up with the persecutions? (ch. 2:2) How did he walk “worthy” in devotion? (ch. 2:12) Why did he work so hard in his calling? (ch. 2:9) And, finally, how did he live so consistently in his testimony? (ch. 2:10)
Paul did it by letting God supply him with daily provisions in his spiritual life. Paul tapped into the bountiful resources of God’s “grace”. (ch. 1:1) He also daily received an abundant supply of God’s “power”. (ch. 1:5) Paul did it by Allowing God do give him an urgency in the acknowledgment of Christ’s coming. (ch. 1:19)
1. God supplied Paul with vision.
Paul did it by not loosing his vision for the following;
a. His personal commission. ch. 2:4
b. The Person behind his commission. “God” ch. 2:2,12,13
c. His coronation 2:19,20 ‘in the presence of our Lord”
2. God supplied Paul with Concern.
a. Paul had Concern for the growth and faith of baby Christians. ch. 3:8
b. Paul had concern for his own faith that he himself would please God. ch. 4:1
c. Paul had concern for the love of the brethren. ch. 4:9,10
d. God gave Paul a concern to work hard for his living. ch. 4:11,12
Paul had reliance upon “God” for all that Paul did in the work of God’s kingdom. see ch. 3:12,13
3. God supplied Paul with the word in prophecy. (ch.5:1-9) Today this means preaching
4. God supplied Paul with a sober diet. (ch. 5:8) “be sober”
5. God supplied Paul with the encouragement of fellowship. ch.5:12-13
6. God gave Paul help to not get into the strife trap. ch.5:15
7. God gave Paul a positive attitude and a thankful spirit. ch.5:18
8. God supplied Paul with a tenderness to God’s Spirit. (ch.5:19) He was very attentive to God’s leading. (ch.5:20)
9. God gave Paul help to try the spirits. ch.5:21
10. God showed Paul he was to be careful to practice separation. ch.5:22
Simply put, Paul let God do it. Paul allowed God to lead him into victorious Christian living. He simply let God do it. (ch 5:23,24) How about we that live in the 21st century? Are we too allowing God to give us the victory? It is as simple today as it was in Paul’s day. We can not do it. But God can. Let God do it! Jesus said, “with out me ye can do nothing” (Jn 15:5b)
“Oh Lord God, would you take control of my life? I have no power to make anything of it. I will not be able to do anything unless you help me. It is all vain unless you take charge of my life. I now resign to let you have control. In Jesus Name, Amen!”
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