Title ~ The Life built on the Lord
Reading ~ Psalm 93:1-5
Introduction ~ I want to look at some of the benefits of building your life on the Lord.
I. The life built on Christ is foundational. Vs. 1
It is grounded and founded, rooted and built up, in Him! Also see Matthew 7 and I Corinthians 3
II. We have a Salvation that is unconditional. Vs. 2
What I mean is, we cannot alter the transaction after Salvation. It is not based on us or our own merits or inconsistencies. Our life is based security on Christ’s work.
III. The God that saved us is Invincible. vs. 3,4
No matter what opposition we must deal with, He is more than able to handle it!
IV. His word is inalterable, indestructible, unchangeable. vs 5
See Matt 24:35 Psalm 12:6,7
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